William Brooker 1918-1983

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Lady in an Interior

Lady in an Interior


William Brooker was born in Croydon, Surrey. Studied at the Croydon School of Art in 1936-39, Chelsea School of Art in 1947-49 and Goldsmith's College School of Art in 1948-49. Taught at Bath Academy of Art. In 1953 Brooker became head of painting at Willesden School of Art and was at Ealing School of Art from 1960. In 1965 became senior lecturer a the Central School. Exhibited from early 1950s with London Group, also with Arthur Tooth and Son and Agnew. A retrospective of his work was held at Newcastle Polytechnic in 1987. His work is represented in a large number of public collections in Britain and abroad, including the Tate Gallery, Art Council, Aberdeen Art Galelry and galleries in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Brazil.