Edward Douglas Eade 1911 - 1984

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Elegant Lady

Elegant Lady

Hampstead Village

Hampstead Village


Born in London. His mother recognised his talents and encouraged him to take up a career in art. Gained scholarships to the Slade School of Art in 1929-30 and Royal Academy Schools in 1930-32. Won a first class prize for drawing at Slade and silver medalist for Life Painting at RA. Studied art under Roger Fry and sculpture under Henry Moore. Exhibited with the London Group, NEAC and other London shows. Professor Carel Weight declared that Eade is one of the best draughtsman in this country. His work was commended by art critics of the time Roger Fry, Clive Bell and Eric Newton. Rugby Art Gallery and Museum and UCL Art Museum hold examples of his work (these works can be viewed on BBC Your Paintings). Tweeddale Museum in Peebles held a major retrospective show in 2004.